
Most kids lose teeth on their own as their adult set comes in. However, some kids require tooth extraction for significant decay or trauma. While this dental care procedure is common, it’s often viewed with apprehension by kids and parents alike. Learn more about when extractions are necessary and what to expect to prepare your child.

When Dentists Recommend Extractions

Even with proper dental care, some kids have a higher risk of developing cavities. Extensive decay may compromise a tooth’s structure and be vulnerable to infection, for which extraction is a solution.

An extraction may also be recommended if your child is hanging on to baby teeth for too long, which disrupts the proper development of adult teeth. It can lead to more serious issues, such as infections and impaction.

If your child experiences dental trauma, the dentist may recommend extraction if the tooth is too unstable. 

What Happens During the Procedure

dental careThere are two types of extractions. Pulling a tooth usually requires local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth.

If a tooth is impacted, meaning all or a portion of it is still under the gums, your child will be sedated with nitrous oxide or by IV.

Both situations are routine, and most kids who undergo extractions don’t experience anything beyond minor discomfort. 

How to Care for Your Child Post-Extraction

It’s best to leave the surgical site alone to allow it to heal. Remind your child not to rinse their mouth for the entire day after the procedure, but they can gently swish with salt water afterward to disinfect the site.

Have your child eat soft foods, such as yogurt and mashed potatoes, for the first few days after the extraction. Ice packs and over-the-counter pain medications also help combat swelling. 


Whether providing extractions or dental exams, the team at Pedodontic Associates will ensure both you and your child feel relaxed on the day of an appointment. Look to them for preventative care, including teeth cleanings and fluoride treatments. They also have three convenient office locations so families in Hawaii can access the dental care they need. Call them at (808) 735-1733 for Honolulu, (808) 487-7933 for Aiea, or (808) 877-0066 for Kahului to make an appointment. Visit them online to prepare for your child’s first appointment. 
