
Car accidents happen in every season, but winter elements make the roads even more dangerous to navigate. According to the Federal Highway Administration, adverse weather conditions contribute to more than one million crashes each year. Though Georgia doesn’t get a lot of snowstorms, there are still plenty of dangers, such as black ice when temperatures hover around freezing. Knowing why collisions occur so frequently this time of year can help you take the necessary precautions to avoid finding yourself in a similar situation. Here are a few of the leading causes. 

What Factors Contribute to Car Accidents in Winter?

1. Poor Visibility 

Heavy rain, snowfall, and thick fog make it difficult to see the road and other drivers around you. In turn, there’s a higher risk of running into vehicles, objects, and pedestrians before you even realize they’re right next to you. Poor visibility also limits your reaction time when coming upon a hazardous road condition, such as potholes or flooding, which can cause you to lose control of your car. In these situations, it’s crucial to reduce your speed and be vigilant about scanning your surroundings.

2. Wet Roads 

car accidentSlick roads—whether covered with sleet or just rain—create a variety of problems for drivers, affecting their ability to navigate turns, brake, and accelerate when necessary. Tires may lose traction, which means you won’t have the proper grip you need to slow down quickly or come to a sudden stop. This often results in rear-end collisions and drivers sliding through intersections.

To prevent a car accident, increase your following distance when it’s raining or sleeting and start braking earlier when approaching a turn or intersection.

3. Improper Car Maintenance

Faulty car parts create a safety concern for drivers as well as others on the road. It’s vital to make sure your car is properly maintained throughout the winter season. Bald or worn tires should be replaced to ensure adequate traction, malfunctioning windshield wipers need to be switched out to improve visibility, and broken headlights must be fixed so you can assess the road conditions and be seen more clearly by everyone around you. 


If you’re involved in a car accident because another motorist neglected to drive safely or keep their vehicle in good condition, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The legal team at Goddard & Hammontree LLC can help you explore your options for pursuing damages. Backed by six decades of combined experience, they’ve earned a proven record for successfully representing personal injury victims throughout Whitfield County, GA. Call (706) 278-0464 to schedule a free consultation or visit them online for more information about their services.
