
Spending time with your little one outdoors is one of the joys of winter. However, you want to make sure your child is bundled up. Whether you’re playing outside or running to preschool, the right clothing will keep your child toasty in any conditions. Here are some tips to make winter dressing a little easier for your family.

How to Dress Your Child This Winter

1. Layer Up

Remember that it’s always easier to take layers off than to pile more on. Several layers will ensure that your child is comfortable while outdoors. Start with a form-fitting base layer. Then, add a sweatshirt, followed by a winter jacket. A pair of snow pants over their casual pants is also a must if you’ll be playing in the snow. However, keep in mind that the number of layers you choose will depend on the temperature outside. 

2. Skip Cotton

preschoolAs you’re choosing layers for your child, avoid cotton clothing. This material is comfortable in warm weather, but it retains moisture. This means that an inner cotton layer can hold sweat, which can actually make your child colder. If you’re packing snow clothes for preschool, choose a moisture-wicking fabric instead, such as polyester.

3. Include Hats & Gloves

Even if you’re just driving to preschool, your child can lose body heat through their head and hands. This is why hats and gloves are always a must. Choose a hat that covers their ears and gloves that are thick enough to wear in the snow. You can also purchase fasteners to attack their gloves right to the jacket, preventing your little one from losing their mittens while on the move. 



Your child deserves care and attention during every season, and the team at Tiny World Child Care is committed to your toddler’s well-being. These childcare professionals have multiple locations around Brookline, MA, offering day care, infant care, and preschool. They also offer bilingual daycare, so your child can learn Spanish at a young age. No matter which program your child is in, they will grow through activities like music class, science enrichment, and play-based learning. You can learn more about their programs and enrollment by visiting them online or calling (617) 232-0115.
