
Sharing artwork with others—whether it’s sculpture, photographs, or paintings—is one of the joys of collecting and investing in art. However, owning and showing a collection comes with responsibilities, including making sure each piece is appropriately lit. Scheduling an art consultation can help determine what’s best for your specific pieces, but here are a few things to know about how to light artwork.

How Does Lighting Change Your Collection?

1. Longevity 

You might be tempted to hang your artwork by a window for natural light. But, direct sunlight will fade the colors of your artwork. Also, try to avoid fluorescent lighting, which, like direct sunlight, emits ultraviolet energy that affects colors. Shining a strong light directly on some works can lead to heat damage. To protect your investments, think about the best way to indirectly light your pieces.

2. Appreciate the Work

art consultationOil paintings, photographs, and sculptures all have different lighting requirements. However, there are a few widely-accepted rules of thumb. For example, lighting should be angled at 30 degrees. Oil paintings benefit from broad light, so the texture and details are emphasized. For watercolors and lithographs, avoid glass, which can cause a glare. Sculptures are typically lit from different angles, with diffused light sources, to showcase details and movement. Each piece is different, and some may require a unique display arrangement. Scheduling an art consultation can help you feel confident that your art is lit correctly.

3. Depth & Structure 

Adding light to a painting can create depth and highlight textures that bring it to life. Without the right lighting, a painting on canvas can feel flat and lifeless. Lighting also highlights the contrasting lights and darks of a painting that give it structure. When a piece is lit correctly, the viewer should forget that there even is an external source and focus only on the art in front of them.


Help those around you appreciate your art as much as you do with an art consultation from The Art Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. For over 30 years, they’ve offered the expertise you need to find the perfect fine art to decorate your home or office. Their consultants provide specialized service, and advise you on lighting, angles, and placement. So, whether you’re looking for a new piece, advice on displaying it, or both, call them to set up a consultation at (513) 651-5092 or visit their website to learn about their consultants and extensive experience. 
