
A sports injury can put you on the sidelines for an extended period and adversely impact your future athletic performance. Therefore, it is essential to take the necessary sports rehabilitation steps and provide your body with the necessary tools for a full recovery. Here are three tips that will help you heal from a sports-related injury.

How to Recover Quickly From a Sports Injury

1. Apply Ice

Ice is the preferred treatment for injuries in the acute stage. Cold restricts blood vessels, which minimizes swelling, and it numbs pain receptors, which alleviates some of the discomfort. Ice is most effective during the first 48 hours after sustaining a sports injury. Apply an icepack for up to a half-hour at a time, anywhere from four to eight times a day.

2. Elevate the Injury

sports-rehabilitation-Parrish-FLElevate the limb where you suffered the injury. This also goes a long way in reducing swelling as it directs blood flow back toward the heart and away from the wound. For injuries on the lower body, elevate the ankle above the hips. For injuries on the upper body, prop the limb up with a pillow to raise it comfortably over the chest.

3. Don't Rush Back Into the Game

Take your time returning to the game, even if you seem fully healed, or you're going to need more intensive sports rehabilitation the next time. The afflicted area will likely be sensitive for a while, and the muscles still tender. Focus instead on gently building up strength in the limb. Practice moving it up and down and lightly stretching it. Your first time off the sidelines, listen to your body. Rest if you need to. Overtaxing a still-healing injury can lead to more permanent damage.


Seeing a sports rehabilitation professional should also be a part of your recovery. The physical therapists at Realhab, Inc., in Parrish, FL, will help you understand the causes of your injury, and they will prescribe the most effective exercises for regaining strength and restoring performance. In addition to sports rehabilitation services, they offer physical therapy, cardiac and neurologic rehab, and a state-of-the-art gym. Call (941) 776-5585 or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
