
Winter weather can take a toll on vehicles. When the temperature drops, auto repair professionals tend to encounter vehicles experiencing very similar issues, such as tire and fluid problems. To help you keep your vehicle in working order when temperatures are low, here are four common wintertime vehicle issues and how to prevent them.

How to Keep Your Vehicle in Good Shape During Winter

1. Low Tire Tread 

Make sure your wheels are ready to maneuver on snow and ice. To assess the tread, place a penny in the deepest area of the tread, with Lincoln’s head facing toward the center of the wheel. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to get new tires that offer better traction to improve handling and safety.

2. Dead Battery

If you try to start your car, and the engine repeatedly turns over or doesn’t react, the battery is often the culprit. Have another driver jump-start your vehicle and run it for 20-30 minutes to provide enough charge for you to head to an auto repair shop. There, they’ll diagnose whether the jump-start was all you needed or if your vehicle requires a new battery. For optimal performance and reliability, replace your battery every three to four years 

3. Fluid Thickening

When temperatures drop below freezing, the fluids in the car may thicken, making them less likely to flow properly. To ensure your car’s fluids are all in good shape, from the antifreeze to the engine oil, make sure to top them off every week or so. Also, warm up the vehicle for about 10 minutes before driving to heat the liquids and ensure they’re able to move freely.

4. Tire Pressure Problems

Tire air pressure lowers when it’s cold out as the molecules slow down. Check the dashboard each time you drive in case the tire pressure indicator light is illuminated. If the light is lit, stop at an auto repair shop or gas station for a quick air top-up. You can also use a manual pressure reader to inspect tire pressure at home. Be sure the reading is between the recommended pounds per square inch (psi) value denoted on the tire or inside the frame of the driver’s-side door frame.



If you experience cold weather car problems, head to L & B Auto Repair in Western Brooklyn, NY, for repairs. These friendly and professional mechanics have over 25 years of experience offering general maintenance and fixing broken engines for all vehicle models. Call the Park Slope-area company at (718) 398-6228 for information on their quick services to get you back on the road.
