
Athletes exercise, stretch, and wear safety gear to keep their bodies safe on and off the field. However, some don’t give much thought to keeping their eyes protected when they’re playing. Whether you’re a professional or hobbyist, vision care is important to prevent ocular injuries. Here is all you need to know to stay safe when you’re active.

Which Eye Injuries Are Common During Sports?

Though all activities are different, some eye injuries are common across all athletes. For example, blunt eye trauma, or a swift blow to the eye or eyebrow, can happen in anything from wrestling to baseball. This can cause a black eye or corneal abrasion, or scratch to the cornea.

Parts of the field or turf can also cause injuries if they fly into a person’s eye. Even strain due to sun exposure, common in sports that involve balls and frequently require looking up, can contribute to vision loss, eye fatigue, and floaters.

How Can You Prevent Them?

vision careMany of these eye injuries can be avoided with the same tools. You should always wear protective gear, especially if you’re playing a contact sport. This can range from goggles and glasses to masks, depending on the activity.

To prevent strain caused by sunlight, always wear goggles or sunglasses that block UVA rays when skiing. Since snow reflects light, all winter sports require eye protection. 


The experts at Medical Eye Associates, S.C. offer knowledgeable and comprehensive vision care to help you maintain optimal health. Open since 1939, they've provided treatment for a range of vision conditions and injuries. They also prescribe glasses and perform Lasik® to help you see better. To make an appointment at one of their offices in Waukesha, Mukwonago, Oconomowoc, and Wauwatosa, WI, call (262) 547-3352. To learn more about vision care, visit their website.
