
Hearing aids offer access to clear, crisp sounds, enhancing your experience of the world and your enjoyment of life. But hearing aids require some routine upkeep to stay working their best and to serve you dependably for the years ahead. Below are three maintenance tips to keep your hearing devices in good shape.

A Guide to Hearing Aid Maintenance

1. Remove Wax Buildup

Earwax is important for protecting the ears and preventing an excess of dirt and debris from getting in. But it can also clog the working components of a hearing aid and diminish sound quality, so daily wax removal is essential. You can purchase an over-the-counter hearing aid cleaning kit, which typically comes with tools like brushes, picks, and tube cleaners. Sometimes, all it takes is a thorough wiping-out with a dry cotton swab to remove wax buildup from hearing aids. Also, be sure to change the wax filters on the device according to your audiologist's recommendations.

2. Schedule Regular Cleanings

hearing aidsAt-home cleanings will go a long way in keeping your hearing aids in safe, working order. But a hearing care professional can provide an even deeper level of cleaning that home products simply cannot offer. Schedule professional cleanings every two to six months, or whenever you see dirt buildup that you can't remove at home. Also, if sound qualify starts to weaken, it may be a red flag that a more intensive cleaning is needed.

3. Keep Them Dry & Safe

A hearing aid is a complex battery-operated mechanism with many working parts, and it needs to be safeguarded as much as possible. Always remove hearing aids before showering, bathing, or swimming. If they do get wet, dry them off right away with a soft microfiber cloth. Before handling your hearing aids, make sure your hands are clean and dry. When not in your ears, store hearing aids in the case they came in, and keep them out of reach of children and pets.


When you're in the market for hearing aids, or you need service for a hearing device, contact Heartland Better Hearing Inc in Elizabethtown, KY. For over two decades, they have been dedicated to helping you hear the world as clearly and comfortably as possible. Call (270) 735-9352 or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
