
When you opt for a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, the success rate is very high, and there’s a greater than 90% chance that you won’t need to have the implant restored or replaced. However, complications rarely do occur, causing pain, swelling, difficulty chewing, and even a loose implant. Often, these issues stem from one or more of these factors.

Common Causes of Dental Implant Failure

1. Infection

Dental implant infections are most common right after the surgery, but they can occur even years later. Infection can cause the implant not to fully integrate with your existing jawbone. Although infection is a risk with any surgery, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and autoimmune diseases can increase the risk with dental implants.

2. Loose Implants

More common in the months right after surgery, shifting or loose implants need to be fixed. Sometimes, implants shift when there isn't enough bone to support them, or if the tooth is replaced before the implant post fully integrates with the bone. Even when these movements are small—they’re often called micromovements—they can cause problems with bite, pain, and other complications. Loose or shifting implants can also occur when there is an injury to the implant area.

3. Bad Habits

dental implantsSometimes dental implants fail due to poor habits. Not following post-operative care instructions, for instance, can damage the implants and cause infection. Improper oral hygiene—such as not brushing and flossing daily or skipping visits to the dentist—can cause the implants to fail as well. The failure rate rises to about 20% for smokers, and bruxism—the habit of clenching or grinding your teeth—is also tied to failure. Any of these habits can lead to problems with your implant, requiring restoration.


If you’re having trouble with your dental implants or you simply need comprehensive dental care for the entire family, call Kemper Pond Dental in Cincinnati, OH. With more than 20 years of experience providing both general and cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Williams and his team offer everything from basic cleanings and exams to dentures, implants, and veneers. Call (513) 531-4069 to schedule an appointment, and learn more about their services on their website.
