
If you're a pet owner, you know how important it is to create a living space that's just as welcoming to them as it is to the rest of the family. Since the mudroom provides a natural transitional space between the outdoors and the home, this is an ideal place to dedicate to your furry friend who's frequently in the yard. From installing storage cabinets to implementing the right floors, here are three ways to create the perfect space for your pet.

How to Design a Pet-Friendly Mudroom

1. Install Durable Floors

Your pet will likely weave in and out of the mudroom regularly, so you must select flooring that's both durable and easy to maintain. For example, you shouldn't need to worry about cleaning stains or about the surface becoming scuffed and scratched. Ceramic tile is a practical choice, as it meets those criteria and is also available in a variety of colors to accommodate any décor.

2. Add Sufficient Storage

cabinetsThe mudroom doubles as a storage space for your pet's essentials, including their leashes, toys, treats, and bones. Keeping them contained in the mudroom is a great way to separate them from other belongings in the house, allowing you to keep track of what you need and preventing clutter from overwhelming other areas. Storage cabinets work well for placing objects out of reach for pets and kids, while hanging baskets and hooks are great for storing leashes, waste bags, and other items you'll want to grab before you heading out for your morning walk.

3. Choose Satin Paint

Cleanliness is critical in the mudroom, as your pet will likely drag in debris when they come inside after playing. Whether you want to protect the walls from water, mud, or other dirt and grime, it's best to opt for a satin paint. This is easy to clean and, because it reflects light, it'll conceal minor debris. Choose a color that ties in well with the rest of the room, including the cabinets and floors.


Homeowners throughout Westchester County, NY, and Fairfield County, CT, trust the professionals at Today’s Kitchens to handle their remodeling needs. These savvy design experts can devise a beautiful mudroom that’s perfect for your pet and family. Also, be sure to ask about their custom cabinets if you’re looking for something specific. Visit their website for details, or call them at (203) 536-1222 to request a quote.
