
Dropping your iPhone® into water can be very frustrating. However, if you act quickly and take the right steps, you can save it. Below are a few tips to follow before you head to the iPhone repair store for professional help.

What to Do if Your iPhone Gets Wet

1. Turn It Off

Turn your iPhone off immediately and remove it from a wall charger or portable battery if it’s plugged in. If it’s off, keep it off. By cutting the electrical current inside the device, you’re less likely to damage the processor, hard drive, and other important internal parts.

Grab a paperclip, and remove the SIM card—located on the side of the device. This card is your iPhone’s ID and also manages phone carrier connectivity. Removing it will both protect the SIM card and prevent your device from reacting to incoming signals.

2. Wipe It Down

iphone repairAs you turn the iPhone off, you’ll also want to remove as much water as you can. With a tight grip, shake the water from the device, especially around the speaker or ports where it may have gotten in.

Next, move the device to a dry area. You can apply silica packets to further absorb moisture, or put the device in a bag of uncooked rice. Don’t, however, use a hairdryer. The hot air it produces may damage your phone.

3. See the Professionals

There’s no replacement for a professional inspection. Even if you later power up your iPhone and it works, you should still bring it to an expert. A lot can go wrong with your device, and you don’t want problems related to the water to emerge later on, such as damage to the internal components. iPhone repair professionals will open it up, clean it, and check all the vitals. They will then handle the necessary repairs.


If you’re looking for iPhone repair services in Philadelphia, PA, contact Experimax King of Prussia. These professionals provide a variety of repair and maintenance services for new and used Apple® products. They also handle computer upgrades and stock a wide selection of pre-owned Apple devices, which you can explore on their website. Call (610) 265-3174 to speak with their staff, and connect on Facebook for news and updates.
