
Vaping is a hotly debated topic, especially when it comes to its possible health implications. Along with potential general health effects, many dentists agree that vaping may also have a negative impact on oral hygiene. Here is some information to keep in mind if you currently vape or are thinking about taking up the habit. 

Vaping Increases Oral Bacteria

Cavities and tooth decay are caused by oral bacteria. Oral bacteria can live on the surface of the teeth, but they can also be found deep in the cracks and crevices. The aerosol in e-cigarettes introduces additional bacteria to the mouth, which in turn could increase your risk of cavities and decay. This bacteria can penetrate deep within the surface of the teeth, which is especially damaging. 

It Also Makes Dry Mouth Worse

Saliva plays an important role in your oral health. When plaque and bacteria are unable to cling to teeth, you’re less likely to develop tooth decay and cavities. However, when you have dry mouth, there is less saliva on teeth, which increases the damaging effect of plaque. 

dentistCertain types of e-cigarette liquids are known to cause dry mouth, which then decreases saliva production. As a result, your risk of developing cavities will grow higher, especially if you vape on a frequent basis. 

It Could Worsen Gum Inflammation

The same bacteria in plaque that causes tooth decay also irritate the gums. This causes the common effects of gum disease, which include swelling, redness, and bleeding while brushing. Vaping also increases gum inflammation, thereby worsening the effects of gum disease. Dentists warn that untreated gum disease will eventually lead to gum recession and tooth loss. 


While vaping is less damaging to your health than smoking, it’s not without its negative effects. If you have more questions about habits that affect dental care, King Campbell, DDS, PLLC is happy to provide answers. This clinic offers dental exams and cleanings, as well as restorative services like implants and crowns. Schedule an appointment with a dentist in Pagosa Springs, CO, by calling (970) 731-2126 today. You can also learn more about their services online
