
When you're providing child care for your kids, remember is that change is difficult for them. Getting a new baby brother or sister is one of the most significant changes your child has ever encountered. They may not have the emotional skills to deal with this situation, so here’s some advice on how to prepare them for these new circumstances.

How to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Baby

1. Let Them See Other Babies

Before your baby arrives, give your child a chance to meet other babies at the homes of friends and family or in social spaces like the park and church. If possible, give them opportunities to hold the baby and see how an infant acts. This will help your child know what to expect from a new sibling and teach them what a baby needs.

2. Plan One-on-One Time

Child CareYour child is used to having you to themselves. The baby is going to need attention and care, and suddenly having to share you can make children jealous and insecure, especially if they're young. Make a point to have someone else provide child care for the baby regularly so you can spend time with your older child without distractions. This will help them feel loved and minimize resentment against their sibling.

3. Expect Tantrums

No matter how you prepare your child, this won’t be easy for them. They're going to have big, unfamiliar emotions they don't know how to express, and they may get overwhelmed enough to throw a tantrum about it. To complicate the situation, you may be holding or feeding your baby when this happens and not be able to do what you normally would. Think about who will talk to your child and how to calm them before the situation comes up.


If you need extra child care help to adjust to a change in your family, choose Kids & Cribs Child Enrichment Center in Fort Thomas, KY. Serving Campbell County for 35 years, this family-owned and -operated child enrichment center believes in tailoring their approach to each child's needs. Their qualified professional team will first observe your child and then build a curriculum that will grow their interest in learning. To enroll, visit their website or call (859) 441-5888.
