
Having a functioning heater is essential for staying safe and comfortable throughout the winter. However, problems may arise throughout the season that can cause your system to slow down or stop working altogether. Look out for these signs of HVAC issues and contact your heating contractor if there’s any trouble.

How to Tell If Your Heater Needs to Be Repaired

1. Strange Noises

It’s normal for heating systems to make a bit of ambient noise while they run. However, if you notice any new sounds, that could indicate trouble. For example, a high-pitched screech could indicate a worn-down belt that needs to be replaced, and a constant buzzing may mean that the electrical components are overworked.

2. Rising Utility Bills

heating contractorHeating systems naturally lose some efficiency over time, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your home won’t get up to your desired temperature. The system could be working harder to keep you warm, which could lead to higher utility bills.

If you’ve noticed a gradual or immediate difference in your heating costs without a major change in outdoor temperatures, have your heating contractor see if there’s an issue that can be fixed or if the system simply needs to be replaced.

3. Constant Cycling

Ideally, your heating system should run for at least ten minutes at a time for each cycle. If you notice that those cycles are becoming much shorter and happening more frequently, that could be due to a malfunctioning thermocouple or a blockage in the airflow.

First, check your air filter to make sure it doesn’t need to be changed. If that doesn’t solve the problem, call your heating contractor to determine if your HVAC system needs repairs or a replacement.


If you need a heating contractor to help with any of these issues, contact Muotka Mechanical in Anchorage, AK. The HVAC company serves both homeowners and businesses, offering installation, repairs, and maintenance for furnaces, boilers, and commercial heating systems. The family-owned and -operated business has been providing fast and reliable service to the community for more than 19 years. To request a free service quote, call (907) 344-8825 or reach out to the company online.
