
Your child’s pediatric dentist provides preventive and restorative services for most of their oral health needs, but some situations call for emergency dental care. Knowing when to seek emergency service will help you get your child the care they need, so learn more about it in the guide below.

What Are Emergency Pediatric Dental Services?

emergency dental careEmergency dental care refers to the treatment of urgent situations that cannot wait for a regular appointment. Emergency services are often required after trauma to the mouth—such as from bike wrecks or sports injuries—or for advanced dental damage. It focuses on relieving discomfort, repairing damage, and minimizing the impact on future oral health.

What Situations Require Pediatric Emergency Dental Care?

Severe pain, bleeding, or damage to teeth or oral structures require emergency attention. These include:

  • Damaged Teeth: Cracked or chipped teeth that are bleeding and causing discomfort need urgent care to prevent infection and future breaks. A dentist will also check that adult teeth haven’t been affected.

  • Avulsed Teeth: A tooth that gets knocked out should be kept in a cup of milk or the child’s mouth until you arrive at the office. The dentist may be able to put the tooth back in place if seen within an hour of the accident. If it’s a baby tooth, the adult one underneath will be checked before the replacement to ensure it’s whole and won’t become impacted.

  • Severe Toothache or Sensitivity: Severe pain could indicate enamel loss, which heightens the risk of decay, or advanced cavities that have reached inner dental tissues. Bacteria or poor hygiene will also cause sensitivity in baby teeth. If pain is accompanied by fever, swelling, or a bad taste in the mouth, it’s an infection known as an abscess, which can spread throughout the jaw without prompt treatment.


Does your child need emergency dental care? The pediatric dentists at Honolulu Keiki Dental have 57 years of combined experience and provide emergency services during their business hours, with same-day appointments available. Learn more about dental emergencies online. If you’re concerned about any other dental issue that hasn’t been discussed above, call (808) 944-1603 to get guidance on what to do next.
