
A serious personal injury can have profound impacts on your life. Aside from having to deal with physical and emotional trauma, it’s common to be left facing the financial burden of mounting medical bills. Fortunately, if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. As such, it’s important to know what actions you should take to increase your chances of recovering damages. The following steps will help you prepare a successful claim. 

What to Do After a Personal Injury Accident

1. Seek Medical Attention 

Your first priority after any accident should be your health. Get medical attention right away to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. This can make a significant difference in your ability to recover fully. Also, going to the doctor or hospital will provide you with documentation of your injuries. These records will help support your claim.

2. Keep a Record of Expenses 

personal injuryIf your personal injury claim has a favorable outcome, it’s likely you’ll be awarded restitution for every expense you had to pay out of pocket because of your injuries. Thus, it’s essential to keep clear and organized records of everything you’ve paid, including costs related to doctor bills, transportation to medical appointments, and prescription medications. Oftentimes, victims are also able to recoup lost wages, so you should have information readily accessible about any work hours you’ve been forced to miss while hurt. 

3. Gather Evidence 

To receive compensation, personal injury victims must prove the other party’s liability. Gathering evidence is the most effective way to do this. As soon as you’re able, take photos of the accident scene, any visible damages you see, and your injuries. If there were witnesses to the incident, get their contact information and a statement describing what they saw happen. If a police report was filed, request a copy, and write down all correspondence you have with insurance companies and other parties involved. 

4. Limit Social Media Use

Social media has become a major part of everyday life, and people share many personal details. In the aftermath of a personal injury accident, limit your online activity, and refrain from talking about your case with anyone besides a lawyer. Anything you post could be misconstrued and used against you to suggest you share responsibility for the incident or that your injuries aren’t that serious.


If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, reach out to Coyne, Cundiff & Hillemann, P.C. for sound legal advice and effective representation. They’ll guide you through the claims process and put together a compelling argument on your behalf. Offering more than 75 years of combined experience, they’ve helped countless personal injury victims across St. Charles County, MO, and the surrounding communities. Call (636) 561-5599 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online for more information on the types of cases they handle.
