
Since a septic system is designed to remove pathogens and toxic chemicals from your wastewater, it’s not complete without an outlet filter. Although different jurisdictions have their own laws and regulations dictating whether an outlet filter is required, anyone with expertise in septic tank care would recommend one. If your septic system is not equipped with such a filter, learning more about the benefits of this crucial component.

Why is an Outlet Filter Necessary for a Septic System? 

When wastewater has passed through a septic system, it’s released into the drainfield. However, if any debris comes with it, the drainfield is likely to become clogged. As a result, your lot or basement could become flooded with wastewater, and the septic tank itself might fail and require repair or replacement.  

septic systemThese problems can be avoided with an outlet filter. It’s a plastic screening tool with holes that fit right into your septic tank’s outlet. By installing it, you can prevent toxic sludge from getting into your drainfield, allowing only the water to leave it.  

How Do You Maintain a Filter? 

Of course, the outlet filter itself will get clogged as the sludge continues piling up over time, which may cause sewage to flood into your home. That’s why the filter will need to be cleaned and changed occasionally. In most cases, you can have it cleaned by a professional septic cleaning service at the same time that you hire them to pump or perform maintenance on the rest of the tank. However, it should be done at least every three to five years. If it becomes too damaged to effectively move the sludge away from the drainfield or your home, it’s time to get a completely new filter.

For help choosing and installing an outlet filter, contact Cox’s Septic Service, Inc. in Corbin, KY. With their extensive training and experience in septic tank cleaning, pumping, and maintenance, they’ll provide the service you need safely, efficiently, and affordably. They also offer grease trap cleaning, wastewater hauling, sludge removal, and more. Whether you own a house or a business, they’re happy to work with you if you call them at (606) 528-­4782 or message them online
