
Bad breath, also called halitosis, can make people self-conscious in social situations. While gum and mouthwash work as temporary solutions, these quick fixes only mask the smell. Fortunately, you can find the root cause of the bad breath by talking to your dentist at your next teeth cleaning. This guide will break down the main causes of bad breath and what you can do to fight back. 

What to Know About Bad Breath

What Causes Bad Breath?

One of the main causes of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. If you skip brushing and flossing occasionally, food particles will remain on your tongue, teeth, and the grooves in between. This leads to bacterial growth, causing plaque to build up, and, in turn, bad breath. 

teeth cleaningYou might also experience excess bacteria if you have dry mouth and aren’t producing enough saliva to wash food particles away. Medications and certain conditions can cause this issue. In some cases, tonsil issues, oral infections, and diseases like acid reflux can lead to bad breath, as well. 

What Can You Do to Improve It?

If you are experiencing frequent bad breath, see your dentist for a teeth cleaning. They will assess your oral health and point out potential causes. Better at-home teeth cleaning will also reduce halitosis in many patients; it’s crucial to remove food particles and plaque effectively. However, if your dentist spots an issue like a mouth infection, they will recommend treatment for the specific problem. Your bad breath should go away once you address the underlying cause. 


If you find yourself covering your mouth when you speak, contact Magnolia Dental about getting a teeth cleaning. Located in Waynesboro, VA, these talented dentistry professionals can treat bad breath and a variety of other conditions. Whether you need a root canal or want to discuss orthodontics, these dentists will provide gentle care and compassion. Visit them online to view their services, or call (540) 942-2723 to make an appointment.  
