
When it comes to your household water supply, having clean, pure water matters. You don’t want bacteria or harmful chemicals getting into your drinking supply, where they could potentially pose a health hazard to you and your family. Because of this, many homeowners install a water filtration system or a water purifier for their property. Although these systems sound similar, they aren’t quite the same thing. Below, learn how these two systems differ to decide which is right for your home. 

Water Filtration Systems

water filtrationA water filter is a system that uses a variety of media to “catch” contaminants before they get into your drinking supply. This could include a sediment pre-filter, a layer of mineral stone, and an activated carbon filter. These filters are designed to capture different types of contaminants, including rust, silt, chlorine, and even herbicides and pesticides.

These filters can be installed as part of a house-wide system, or attached to individual fixtures like the kitchen sink or a shower. Removing impurities from the water will make it safer to drink. It will also make the water quality softer, which helps prevent hair damage and excessive skin drying.

Water Purification Systems

Water purification systems are more involved than a standard filter by removing all mineral content from the water. Most water purifiers use reverse osmosis to force all the water into a semi-permeable membrane. The small size of this membrane eliminates any extra particles present in the water. This can help remove the excess mineral content that leads to scale buildup in your pipes and around water fixtures.

Whether you need a filtration or purification system will depend on your water content. Some households may actually need a combination of the two to ensure a safe and reliable water supply.


If you need help determining if you need water filtration or purification systems, contact Affordable Water Treatment in Gig Harbor, WA. Serving Western Washington for over 50 years, their team provides high-quality equipment and service so you can enjoy clear, healthy water for your home or business. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (253) 858-7644.
