
Do you feel like you’re investing too much on your kitchen cabinets and receiving too little back? Often, spending money on resurfacing these features is more expensive than getting new ones. Being informed about your cabinets is the best way to avoid high costs, so review this guide to determine if it's time to invest in fresh pieces.

When Might You Need New Kitchen Cabinets?

1. They’re Water Damaged

Wood is easily affected by water, and since cabinets frequently hold damp dishes, you'll have to keep an eye out for damage. Check your cupboards and see if the wood is warping, changing color, or bubbling up. These factors are giveaways that you need new ones.

2. They’re Not Functioning

kitchen cabinetsAre your cabinets not functioning like they should? You could remove the drawers and resurface the doors, but this won't solve the foundational problem your cabinet is experiencing. It doesn't matter how good your furniture looks if it doesn't function properly, so invest in new features to make your life easier.

3. They Have Mold

Moisture is abundant in the kitchen, so it's natural to find mold within your kitchen cabinets. Small amounts are easily cleaned and won't require replacements, but high levels of mold are more concerning. If you see many compromised areas in your cabinets, there are surely more hidden. You don't want the harmful effects of mold to impact your home, so it's best to start fresh.

4. They Feel Soft

If the walls or surfaces of your cabinets feel soft, there may be structural issues that resurfacing can't fix. These are also signs that your cabinets may fall apart if they're left alone. Spending money to remedy this problem would be a waste, so look into getting new ones instead.


The experts at Kitchen Living, LLC of Marlborough, CT, can turn your kitchen into a place you’ll love to be in. The award-winning company is home to a team of designers that can handle all aspects of kitchen renovations. Give yours a new life by calling (860) 819-5847 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to look at some of their finished projects.
