
If your home has old or faulty windows, you may want to schedule a new window installation. New windows will keep the cold air out and let warm sunshine into your home. In addition to reducing your need for artificial light, letting more sun into the home will provide your family with a number of health benefits.

3 Ways More Sun Exposure Will Help Your Health

1. Sleep Better

Once your new window installation is complete, you should enjoy the sunshine by opening the curtains and blinds. The increased sunlight will help you sleep better at night. This is because the body maintains an internal clock called the circadian rhythm, which regulates wakefulness and sleepiness. Less natural sunlight exposure confuses this internal clock, making it harder to wake up in the morning.

2. Protect Your Eyes

If you’re not letting natural sunlight into your home, you may actually be harming your eyesight. It’s harder to see with less light, which can put a strain on your eyes over time. You’ll see better for longer if you spend more time in well-lit environments.

3. Alleviate Depressive Episodes

Window InstallationGetting more sunlight can also help elevate your mood. As the skin absorbs sunlight, it prompts a release of the feel-good neurotransmitter, serotonin. This compound helps the brain regulate mood while also alleviating feelings of anxiety. As a result, you’ll feel more focused, and you’ll have improved energy levels that will help you accomplish more throughout your day.


A new window installation from Bernie Brothers will provide you with new windows that are attractive and energy-efficient. These contractors have been serving the Kodiak, AK, area for more than three decades, so they have the experience and resources to help. To schedule a consultation, visit their website or call (907) 481-3900.
