
The time for lush summer lawns is past, but fall is the perfect time to prep your yard for the next growing season. T & L Tree And Landscape, New York's lawn care specialists serving Macedon, have some tips for helping you get your yard ready for winter.

  • Aerate The Grass: The moisture of autumn promotes strong root growth, but first the water has to penetrate the surface. On a small yard, you can use a garden fork, but for bigger jobs, you might need a walk-behind aerator.
  • Fertilize For Winter: Grass roots keep growing until temperatures drop near freezing, so use a high-phosphorus mix to encourage lush, green grass next spring.
  • Mow One Last Time: Cut the grass pretty short to keep leaves from accumulating on your lawn and help prevent diseases.
  • Compost Your Leaves: Collect the leaves from your lawn, but don't throw them away. Letting them set in a compost bin, with weekly flipping, will create a rich fertilizer your lawn will love when spring hits.
  • Plant Shrubs: If you've been thinking of planting new shrubs, doing it in the fall will let them take advantage of the cool weather and abundant water to establish a strong root system.
  • Trim Back Your Trees: Take the chance to trim back dead branches to keep them from falling on your home, but leave big tree pruning jobs to the professionals.

Visit T & L Tree And Landscape online to see their full list of services, or just call (585) 223-3190 if you need emergency tree removal service now.
