
Visiting a family dentist is important for routine teeth cleanings, and a more involved service might be required from time to time. However, many pricey procedures, including dental implants, crowns, and veneers, are usually avoidable.

4 Ways to Prevent Costly Dental Services 

1. Make Regular Appointments 

Most dental health professionals recommend that you schedule a visit with a family dentist at least once every six months. This usually gives them ample opportunity to check for, and treat, any problems with your mouth and teeth before they become serious issues that require expensive treatments.  

2. Follow Your Dentist’s Advice 

If your dentist tells you to floss more often, make an effort. Doing so will help your teeth stay clean from food particles that bacteria can use to create cavities, leading to root canals if they become severe enough.

If your dentist prescribes you with a medicinal mouthwash, use it as directed. It will likely spare you from having to deal with periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss and the necessity for dental implants, bridges, or dentures.

3. Address Persistent Pain 

family dentistToothaches that last more than a couple of days need to be examined by a family dentist, as it often indicates an abscess, fracture, or severe infection or decay. Trying to ignore it will only allow the problem to fester, and you may eventually need a root canal or another oral surgery to salvage it. If you wait too long, the tooth may even need to be extracted, and then you would need a dental implant. 

4. Avoid Bad Habits 

If you chew ice, grind your teeth, or smoke tobacco, work on quitting these habits as soon as you can. They make you vulnerable to periodontitis, severe cavities, tooth breakage, tooth loss, and other issues that are expensive to fix.  

If you need a family dentist who will strive to prevent the necessity for costly procedures to maintain your oral health, contact Christopher F. Heck, DMD - Montgomery General Dentistry in Ohio. With his commitment to highly individualized care and excellent customer service, he’ll ensure that your long-term dental health is his top priority, no matter your needs or lifestyle. Make an appointment today by calling (513) 794-1884 or sending a message online
