
While the arrival of cold weather and snow makes many people think of warm, cozy nights at home, the winter can also bring with it some dangerous walking conditions. Ice creates slippery surfaces that can cause falls, bruises, joint injuries, and more. In addition to practicing extra caution throughout this season, follow these tips to avoid slipping.

How to Avoid Falls During Winter

1. Watch Where You Walk

Don't be tempted to take shortcuts when there's a thick layer of snow and ice on the ground. Instead, stick to cleared paths on sidewalks and in parking lots to avoid hitting an unexpected patch of ice. Also, pay attention to where you're walking, especially when you tread through low-light areas.

If the ground is slippery, practice walking like a penguin to keep your balance and avoid joint injuries. Stay loose, slide your feet along the ground, and keep your hands out of your pockets.

2. Wear the Right Shoes

joint injuriesOne of the most important ways to prevent falls during the winter is to wear shoes with excellent traction. Choose a pair with rubber soles that have deep tread for gripping slippery surfaces. If you're concerned that your footwear may not do the trick, invest in shoe covers from your local sporting goods store. People with canes and walkers should also consider adding gripped covers to the ends.

3. Stay Prepared

You can never be too prepared to trek through heavy snow and ice. Always be ready for the unexpected by carrying a bag of kitty litter in your car or pocket. When you encounter an especially icy area, throw some down to give yourself traction. If you don't want to carry kitty litter, rock salt can be a good alternative.


If you do happen to experience a slip and fall this winter, have your injuries treated at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester in New York. These physicians and orthopedic surgeons are well-versed in treating all kinds of musculoskeletal issues, including joint injuries and broken bones. They also welcome patients of all ages, and the staff goes above and beyond to make each one feel welcome and comfortable. To schedule an appointment today, call (585) 723­-3000.
