
Driving during the holidays can be harrowing. Even in a place like Texas, where there’s rarely a need to worry about snow or ice, motorists must contend with heavy traffic, drunk drivers, and other serious hazards. Ask any personal injury attorney when you should avoid road travel, and you’ll undoubtedly be told the winter holidays are the worst. If you keep the following tips in mind, though, you can reduce the risk of getting hurt in a collision. 

3 Safe Driving Tips for Traveling Over the Holidays 

1. Remain Alert & Sober

You may be eager to meet up with loved ones, but traveling after a long day of work is risky. To avoid driving while drowsy, get a good night's sleep and head to your holiday destination during your first full day of vacation. If you’ll be attending any holiday parties while visiting your relatives, make sure to arrange transportation with a designated driver or rideshare service before the festivities begin. 

2. Plan Your Schedule Around Holiday Traffic 

personal injury attorneyPersonal injury attorneys know firsthand that when there are more cars on the road, there are more opportunities for collisions. Chain reaction crashes are especially common in heavy congestion. If your schedule is relatively flexible, avoid traveling on the busiest days of the season, which include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve

3. Scan Your Surroundings Constantly 

Keep an eye out for drunk drivers when traveling over the holidays. If you notice a vehicle swerving, speeding, traveling slowly, or otherwise driving erratically, keep your distance. If possible, you should also pull over and notify local police of the vehicle’s make, model, and color, as well as its direction of travel. 


While the above tips can reduce the risk of a collision, the sad reality is that you’ll never have control over the motorists in traffic around you. If you end up in a wreck despite your best efforts, turn to the personal injury attorneys at Anderson Law Firm. Based in Texarkana, TX, and serving clients throughout both Texas and Arkansas, this firm is backed by more than 25 years of experience. Attorney Darren Anderson is committed to helping accident victims recover the funds they need to put their lives back together. To schedule a case review with this personal injury attorney, call (903) 792-1229. To learn more about their services, visit the website.
