
While you likely enjoy a tall glass of water every day, have you ever stopped to think about how this essential liquid makes its way into faucets? From the initial source where it’s collected to the water filtration system that purifies it, your water undergoes an intricate process to ensure it’s safe for your consumption and use. The next time you pour yourself a glass of water, consider how it arrived in your faucet.

Sourcing the Water

water filtrationWhile it can depend on the area, most of the freshwater supply in the US comes from surface water. Surface water is collected when rain or snow runs off into rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. In addition to this source, the rest of our supply is a product of groundwater, which is comprised of the rain and snow that is absorbed into the soil. This type of water is then stored in the natural formations of rocks, sand, and soil beneath the ground, which can be pumped out or accessed through a natural spring.

Treating the Water

Once collected, the water will be pumped into the treatment facility and treated for bacteria, nitrates, and other potentially harmful contaminants. Municipal sources utilize a water filtration system to treat water and meet the requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Standards. This process is made up of several steps, starting with screening, which prevents large debris like trees, trash, and plants from entering the system. Next, chemicals are added to bind with dirt particles in the water, forming something larger called floc. This floc is separated and pumped out to the sedimentation pond while the water proceeds to treatment. During treatment, ozonation, water filtration, and disinfection will be completed to purify the water and make it safe for consumption.


Ensuring you have clean drinking water is crucial to your wellbeing, which is why businesses in Hastings, NE, trust the professionals at Quality Sound & Water for their hydration needs. In addition to the water filtration systems they offer, they also utilize pure water technology to generate fresh water free of cross-contamination. To learn more about where your water comes from or how you can better filter it, visit them online or call (402) 461-4935.
