
In the chilly winter months, it’s nice to cuddle up with your favorite blanket and some hot cocoa in your warm, comfortable home. Your gas furnace is responsible for making that possible, and a few common mistakes can compromise its effectiveness. Here are a few ways to improve your furnace’s efficiency—before it dramatically raises your utility bill or stops working when you need it most.

Reasons Your Furnace Could Be Working Too Hard

1. Your Vents Are Blocked

Furniture and carpets can cover vents, blocking airflow into the room and preventing heat from distributing efficiently. Your gas furnace then works overtime to compensate for the trapped air. Try re-arranging your furniture and using your ceiling fan to help circulate the warm air evenly.

2. Poor Insulation

gas furnaceA drafty house is chilly, dry, and uncomfortable in winter. Well-insulated walls and weatherstripping around windows and doors help keep warm air in and cold air out. Try using a humidifier to keep the internal moisture at 40%. This environment transfers heat more easily, allowing you to keep your thermostat at a lower setting. Curtains and a few decorative rugs can further insulate your rooms and give your home a cozy feel.

3. Skipping Maintenance

Gas furnaces are usually located in a closet or basement, making them easy to forget about. Pet hair, dust, and debris builds up on the filters and makes the heater work harder to try to push air through. Change your filter regularly and schedule annual check-ups to avoid undue stress on your furnace and higher heating bills.

4. Leaving the Heat On When You Leave

This common mistake can be remedied with a programmable thermostat. Schedule a timer that keeps the environment in the mid-60s when you leave the house and have it kick back on before you come home. This option not only minimizes your utility bill, but also reduces wear and tear on your gas furnace.


If you’re looking for quality HVAC repair or installation service, reach out to Custom Heating & Cooling in Mountain Home, AR. They believe everyone deserves the comfort and reliability of an efficient heating and cooling system, and they’re ready to help you get there. They provide quality products, including geothermal appliances and services, to homeowners throughout the area. Explore their website for more information or call (870) 425-9498 to schedule your maintenance or installation today.
