
When you’re a Colorado homeowner, there’s no stopping the snow from landing on your roof. But if you spot ice forming along the eaves, you could be facing a serious problem with your residential roofing. Known as an ice dam, this issue can be a warning sign of potential water damage—and the need for costly roofing repairs. Fortunately, if you catch them early, you can take action to protect your home. To shed more light on this important topic, here are a few things you should know about ice dams.  

How Do Ice Dams Form?

If heat is not properly directed out through the roof, it can cause patches of snow to melt. As the water trickles down to colder parts of the structure, ice dams form. As the dam continues to grow, melted snow water will continue to build up behind it without any route to the gutters.  

What Are the Dangers of Ice Dams?

residential roofingMost notably, the pooling water that is barred off by the ice dam won’t be able to drain. Over time, the extra weight of the water will place stress on the roof and cause a leak to form. The resulting water damage could negatively impact the shingles, underlayment, and insulation, as well as the siding. In addition to structural damage, these leaks can also contribute to mold growth in the attic. While these natural features can look pretty, they can present a serious risk of injury to anyone below if they fall.

How Can You Prevent Ice Dams?

If you notice icy buildup, call a trusted residential roofing service. Your contractor will be able to resolve the issue by making sure hot air can rise and escape through the attic without causing snow to melt. Typically, they will divert hot air by installing strategic ventilation and making sure the structure is properly insulated. In some cases, heat cables may also be placed near the eaves to melt ice dams, allowing them to drain out through the gutters.

With those solutions in place, it’s also a good idea to remove snow from the structure if you have the right tools to do so safely—such as a roof rake.


When ice dams are putting your home in harm’s way, turn to the experts at Formula Roofing and Remodeling in Denver, CO. Well-versed in residential roofing design, this team will pinpoint and resolve the ventilation patterns that trigger ice formation. They’re also equipped to perform roofing repairs for any water damage that these obstructions can cause so you can protect your investment and keep your property dry. To learn more about their services, visit this local roofer online. For estimates, call (303) 600-8696.
