
You want to put your best foot forward for your holiday guests. When you’re cleaning for their arrival, don’t forget the shower. Make sure you’re cleaning every surface properly and check if you need shower door repairs.

How to Clean Your Shower the Right Way

1. Squeegee the Door Clean After Each Shower

Using a squeegee can go a long way in protecting your shower door from soap scum and hard water stains. It can seem like a pain, but it only takes a minute. If you don’t keep the glass clean, it might become foggy, causing you to need shower door repairs or a replacement.

You can buy ergonomic squeegees that are made specifically for the shower; avoid any metal squeegees, though, as they could scratch your glass. This habit might take some getting used to, but it’s worth it in the long run.

2. Don’t Use Any Abrasive Cleaners

shower door repairMost people think that the best way to kill any bacteria or mold in their shower is to use bleach. This is completely wrong. Any products with bleach or ammonia can reduce the effectiveness of your door seals, damage your shower hardware, or fog up the glass. Stay away from metal pads and steel wool as well. These can scratch your glass, which can lead to shower door repairs.

3. Care for Your Shower’s Glass Door Properly

Vinegar is an inexpensive product that will get rid of bacteria and mold better than anything else. Plus, it won’t damage your glass. If you have any tough stains, you can use a baking soda paste to remove them. Dirty showers won’t impress your household guests, and if they get too moldy, they can be a health hazard. Take the time to clean your shower properly.


ValleyView Glass & Screen in Northfield, MN, can perform shower door repairs and replacements before your relatives arrive for the holidays. They’re known throughout Dakota County for their customer service and quality workmanship. Whether you’re having an issue with a foggy shower door or you think you need a replacement, they’ll find the solution that best fits your needs. Visit their website or call (612) 747-8425 to request a free estimate.
