
If you need help with back pain, headaches, or recovery from an injury, chiropractic care is an effective option. Your chiropractor will work with you to assess your condition and create a treatment plan, including adjustments, exercises, and additional procedures like laser therapy. Your appointment will go more smoothly if you prepare in the following ways.

What Should You Do Before Seeing a Chiropractor?

1. Review Your Medical History

Whenever you see a new medical provider, they'll want to know about conditions that run in your family. If your family has a history of health problems related to the treatment you’re seeking, you're more likely to have genetic factors that could make you develop those conditions. Ask your parents and other relatives about their conditions to confirm this account.

Make sure you also have an up-to-date list of your own recent medical procedures and medications. Some medical conditions and treatments can interact poorly with chiropractic care.

2. Write Down Your Symptoms

ChiropractorThe more your chiropractor knows about the problems you're having, the more likely they are to make an accurate diagnosis and provide the right treatment. It's easy to forget symptoms in the heat of the moment or to forget details.

Before your appointment, write down what you're experiencing, including when and how often it's happened. You might even consider keeping a journal to track your issues so you can give the most accurate account.

3. Note Your Questions

Just as it's easy to forget symptoms during your appointment, your questions and concerns might also slip your mind. Think about everything you might need to know about your course of treatment, including how long it will take, whether there are potential side effects, what you need to do at home, and when to make a follow-up appointment. Write these questions down and bring the list with you to refer to.


Once you're ready to see a chiropractor, make an appointment with Waynesboro Chiropractic Center. Serving Augusta County, VA, for over 30 years, they've helped over 11,000 patients manage pain and recover from a range of health conditions. Dr. Knizner has also served as an expert witness in multiple auto accident trials. To get started, visit the website or call (540) 943-1434.
