
Your skin is very sensitive, and protecting it is a crucial part of maintaining your health. Most people know the sun poses a serious risk to their body and that if they’re exposed to rays for too long, the consequences can range from minor cosmetic frustrations to something as serious as cancer. Understanding the difference between sunspots and skin cancer will help you take the necessary precautions and invest in the right treatments, so utilize the following guide.

What Are Sunspots?

Sunspots are small blemishes that appear on the skin after long periods of UV ray exposure. These spots aren’t dangerous and aren’t indicative of skin cancer. Unlike cancerous moles, which are usually raised, these spots appear like discolored blotches. They may be dark brown, light brown, or white in color.

sunspotAlthough sunspots don’t pose any health risks, they still warrant a certain degree of precaution. The early stages of skin cancer may look similar to a new sunspot, so visiting your dermatologist whenever a new one crops up is ideal. If it’s indicative of a more dangerous condition, it will ensure you quickly treat the issue.

Skin Cancer

You can usually tell when a blemish is skin cancer rather than a sunspot because of the level of detail it contains. Dermatologists recommend using a system known as the “ABCDEs” to inspect any unusual developments. This stands for asymmetry in size, borders that are ragged, splotchy color, diameter more than 6 millimeters in size, and evolving appearance. When diagnosed early, melanoma is quite easy to treat. As such, it’s recommended you perform monthly self-checks to keep an eye on any suspicious spots.


If you need help figuring out whether a blemish is a sunspot or indicative of skin cancer, turn to the team at Del Campo Dermatology & Laser Institute in Miami Beach, FL. From melanoma treatments to cosmetic procedures, they’re proud to offer a broad range of services designed to help you look and feel your best. Call (305) 705-6675 to schedule a consultation and visit their website to learn more about their services.
