
You may do a lot to prepare your home for winter—from putting up holiday decorations to cleaning the chimney. However, it’s also important to focus on preventive maintenance, such as keeping your pipes from freezing. Here are some tips to help you with this plumbing task.

3 Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes

1. Open Cabinets

Underneath your kitchen and bathroom sink, you’ll find that familiar U-shaped pipe. Since most of these plumbing fixtures are situated along exterior walls, they’re at higher risk of freezing. Allow warm air from inside your home to reach the pipes by opening under-sink cabinets whenever temperatures dip below 25 degrees.

2. Don’t Turn Off the Heat When You Leave

plumbingHeating costs can add up quickly. You might be tempted to lower the thermostat or turn off your furnace when you leave the house. However, it’s crucial to keep your heating system on when you’re gone, especially if for an extended period. To prevent pipes from freezing, your thermostat should never read lower than 55 degrees.

3. Try the Trickle Effect

In every house, there are a few pipes that are more prone to freezing than others. Whether in the laundry room, basement, or guest bathroom, you can use this simple trick to prevent your pipes from freezing. Turn the faucet on slightly so that water drips out of the sink or shower every four or five seconds. By maintaining a steady flow of water, you can avoid stagnant moisture, which is more likely to freeze.


If your pipes freeze this winter, get in touch with McGuire Plumbing & Heating of Voluntown, CT. They’ll fix your plumbing system and thaw out pipes before they burst. With over 30 years of experience serving New London County, you can trust this family-owned-and-operated business to provide accurate quotes and valuable insight. Learn more about their services by visiting their website, or call (860) 376-3388 to inquire about their 24-hour emergency services.
