
Arthritis is the umbrella term used to describe conditions that impact the joints and their surrounding tissues. While a few types are most common, there are more than 100 unique varieties of the condition. If you suspect you have arthritis, you likely have questions. Browsing through the most common inquiries below will help to prepare you for an informed conversation with your doctor.

Frequently Asked Arthritis Questions

What are the common types of arthritis?

Osteoarthritis, which results from the normal wear and tear of joints, is the most common form in the U.S. It’s typically in the hands, knees, and hip joints. Two other common types of the condition are rheumatoid arthritis, a condition that causes inflammatory agents to attack the joints, and gout, another form of inflammatory arthritis in the feet.

What are the typical symptoms?

Symptoms vary by patient and the specific type of arthritis. In general, patients may notice discomfort in the joints, ranging from mild to intense, as well as stiffness. Sometimes, symptoms are persistent, while other patients report pain that comes and goes.

How is arthritis treated?

doctorThe treatment for arthritis will also depend on its type. With gout, for instance, dietary modifications help reduce uric acid levels and minimize flareups. In most other forms, doctors prescribe medications, but the focus is often on reducing further joint damage and controlling pain levels. Depending on your unique case, your doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications such as targeted exercises, use of over-the-counter pain medication, and surgery, if needed.

What causes arthritis?

Experts haven’t pinpointed the precise causes behind most types of arthritis. As with many conditions, most forms of arthritis are a result of the interplay between environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors. In the case of gout, however, joint issues are a result of too much uric acid within the body.


If you suspect you have arthritis, turn to the family doctor from Stapp Medical Group for help. Serving Warren County, OH, Dr. Jennifer Williams and her team offer quality preventive care as well as innovative treatments such as IV nutrition. Browse through their services online or call (937) 886-5018 to schedule an appointment.
