
When you’re looking for a quality used car, two of the main variables you’ll have to pay attention to are the age and mileage of the vehicle. The more you understand about each factor, the better chance you have of making an informed purchase. Here’s a guide to how each can impact the vehicle. 

How Can Age Affect a Car?

When you’re shopping for a used car, start by asking the year of the vehicle. Often, the older it is, the lower the price will be. This is because certain parts — especially those made of rubber — don’t age well, so they may not be in top shape after a decade or so. As such, you should inquire whether any parts have been replaced, as that could increase the value of the vehicle.

You should also ask how those years were spent. Was the car regularly driven or did it sit in a garage most of the time? Cars that saw the road on a consistent basis tend to be more reliable than ones that didn’t. This is because the vehicle was being exercised, ensuring that its parts work well. After a long layoff, parts of the engine or gears can start acting up. 

How Can Mileage Affect a Car?

used carMileage is also a key factor when evaluating a used car. Generally, the more mileage a car has, the less expensive it will be, as that also often correlates with wear and tear. The more miles a car has been driven, the more chances there are for different parts to start to break down.

However, not all mileage is the same. For instance, if the mileage is primarily highway driving, there’s likely less wear on the car since those trips tend to be taken at a consistent speed without too much stopping and starting. On the other hand, driving many miles within a city often means that the car will be in worse shape since that type of local driving comes with frequent turns and stoppages, which can strain the brakes.  


If you’re seeking out a quality used car, head to Madd Monkey Garage in Troutman, NC. Serving the community for over three decades, these professionals have a deep inventory of vehicles with a wide range of age and mileage. They’re also available for auto repair, engine tune-ups, and other maintenance services to help you keep your car on the road longer. To make an appointment, call (704) 663-0333. Learn more about the shop by visiting their website
