
Age-related hearing loss is a common issue among seniors that can be prevented with proper care. Being mindful of your surroundings and the hearing risks you face will ensure you protect your hearing. Below are common questions audiologists receive and the answers to shed light on the topic.

Understanding Hearing Loss in Adults

What are common signs of hearing loss?

One of the most common indications of hearing loss is the inability to understand speech clearly. When an individual with hearing loss is speaking with others, they’ll often ask others to speak up or repeat themselves. If they’re watching television or listening to music, they tend to increase the volume.

hearing lossPeople who are self-conscious about their reduced level of hearing may also avoid conversations or situations in which their hearing loss may be apparent to others.

What are the most common causes?

Hearing loss commonly occurs among people who work in loud environments like construction sites, or those who are commonly exposed to loud recreational noises such as motorcycles or concerts. When the ear is exposed to loud noises, the sound waves can damage the hairs and nerve cells inside the ear.

Hearing loss may also develop from earwax buildup, in which case the hearing loss can be reversed. 

In other cases, hearing loss can be caused by injuries or illnesses. Examples include head injuries, tumors (such as acoustic neuroma), and autoimmune inner ear disease.

How is it treated?

Hearing loss related to damage within the ear is almost always irreversible. Hearing aids are commonly used as a solution to this type of hearing loss.

If a medical condition is the cause of your hearing loss, you should consult with a doctor or audiologist, depending on the specific cause.

How can I avoid hearing loss?

Exposure to noises over 70 decibels over a span of 24 hours will cause hearing damage. This ranges from sounds such as a dishwasher to traffic and construction equipment. As a reference, a normal conversation has a volume of 60 decibels, while a whisper is only 30 decibels.

If you know that you’ll be exposed to harmful levels of sound, wear hearing protection whenever possible. For instance, wear earplugs while attending concerts to protect your ears while still enjoying the music. To stay ahead of hearing loss, schedule a test with an audiologist.



If you’re looking for audiology services in the Fishersville, VA, area, contact Augusta Audiology Associates, PC. This practice is backed by 24 years of health care services and offers a variety of hearing aids and hearing protection. Their team will help you identify causes of hearing loss and create a treatment plan to reduce future damage. Call (540) 332-5790 or visit their website to learn more about the practice. 
