
Age can have an impact on your health—including your dental health—which can then have an impact on your overall health as part of a feedback loop. This makes proactive care especially important. Along with visiting your dentist on a twice-yearly basis, the following information can help you identify and avoid common problems. 

Common Dental Problems Among Seniors

Many seniors experience dry mouth due to medical conditions or medications they’re taking. This condition is not only uncomfortable, but it can also accelerate decay since saliva is integral to preventing plaque from clinging to teeth. Plaque irritates gums, which contributes to gum disease. Seniors may also experience gum recession. This is when gum tissue pulls away from teeth to reveal your roots.

Tooth loss is another dental problem older people face. Along with the aesthetic concerns caused by missing teeth, they can also lead to the degradation of jaw bone tissue. Staining is another cosmetic issue, which results from a lifetime of drinking certain beverages or smoking. 


dentistFortunately, all of the above problems can be addressed by your dentist. Hydrating mouth rinses combat dry mouth and prevent plaque from accumulating. Your dentist may also recommend that you increase your water intake to properly hydrate your mouth.

If gum recession has occurred, gum disease could be the cause, and root planing might be a treatment option. Advanced gum disease causes pockets of tissue to form, where plaque and food debris may become trapped. Root planing removes plaque from under gum tissue to prevent gum disease from progressing further. 

As for tooth loss, dental implants replace missing teeth and ensure jaw bone tissue is properly stimulated.

Teeth whitening can be used to address many types of staining, but veneers might be necessary for more advanced discoloration. These conservative porcelain jackets are fitted onto teeth to correct a variety of cosmetic issues, such as problems with tooth shape and misalignment as well as discoloration. 

Your dentist will be there to support your oral health throughout every stage of your life. Comfort Center for Dentistry, P.A. is dedicated to providing quality service to all patients, no matter their needs. Along with oral exams, this clinic also provides restorative procedures like dental implants, gum disease treatments, and cosmetic teeth whitening. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kendra Wren and the rest of her dental care team by calling (830) 995-5047. You can also learn more about available procedures in Kendall County, TX, by visiting the website