
When snow falls, that means dealing with salt, mud, and water that tracks inside your home on boots and pet’s paws. If you have carpet, these winter messes can cause stains and odors, not to mention wet carpets and damage to the flooring underneath. Although regular carpet cleaning can prevent permanent damage, you should protect your carpets and prevent major messes with these tips.

5 Ways to Keep Your Carpets Clean All Winter

1. Invest in Quality Mats

Weatherproof mats placed near the door are your first line of defense against dirty carpets. Opt for a large rubber mat with treads to catch melting snow that you can wipe down when it gets dirty or a thick natural-fiber mat that can be machine washed. Remind the kids to wipe their feet when they come inside to help reduce the mess.

2. Establish a No Shoes Policy

If everyone removes their shoes and boots at the door, there is less of a chance your carpets and floors will get dirty. Keep slippers near the door, so everyone can change when they come in, and don't be afraid to ask visitors to remove their shoes as well.

3. Clean Up Outside

carpet cleaningThe best way to keep your carpet clean is to keep the dirt and snow outside. Clean up the areas outside your home to reduce how much you track inside. Shovel the driveway, walkway, and steps, and apply ice melt before the snow falls, so there’s less to deal with. Afterward, sweep away any remaining salt or ice melt, so it doesn’t catch in boots and damage your carpets.

4. Deal With Messes Quickly

When messes occur despite your best efforts, clean them quickly. Have a supply of towels on hand to wipe up water before it sinks into the carpet fibers, and use a handheld vacuum to remove mud or salt. For spot cleaning, use mild dish soap and water to remove dirt or other stains.

5.Clean Pet Paws

Your pets aren’t likely to be concerned about tracking mud onto the carpet, so clean their paws before they make a mess. You can also use boots to keep dog paws clean and safe from salt and ice outdoors. Otherwise, clean them with a damp rag or paw wipes after every walk to keep the carpet clean.


Keeping your carpets clean all winter starts with professional carpet cleaning from All Surfaces Carpet Cleaning & More. For almost 30 years, they have provided commercial and residential cleaning services to the Boone County, MO, area, removing stains and odors and leaving carpets looking like new. For a free estimate, call them at (573) 698-3828, and visit their website to learn more about their services and current specials.
