
Whether it’s black mold or one of the less toxic strains, this growth is detrimental to your home. Mold will reduce your air quality by releasing spores into the air, cause health problems, and damage your building materials. You should know the signs of a mold problem so you can address the issue before it worsens.

How to Spot the Telltale Signs of Mold Growth

1. Odor

Mold has a musty smell. It will be strongest in the less ventilated areas of your home, such as the attic, basement, or bathrooms. It may be growing behind the walls or under floorboards, so you may smell it without it being visible.

2. Health Changes

whitefish black moldMold can cause a wide range of health issues, depending on the strain and the individual exposed. Young children, seniors, and people with respiratory problems are most at risk. Common symptoms include lethargy, nasal stuffiness, coughing, throat or eye irritation, lung infection, or asthma symptoms.

3. Wall Water Damage

Mold needs moisture to grow, so leaks in your home will often be accompanied by growth. Drywall may have yellow or brown stains, and it may be soft to the touch. Paint may be peeling, blistering, or flaking off the wall.

4. Stains

Mold comes in all colors and growth patterns. When the spores are rubbed off a surface, such as your drywall or baseboard, it will leave behind a stained patch. It may appear black, green, yellow, red, or any other color. Chances are that the problem extends beyond what you can see.


If you suspect you have a problem, schedule a mold inspection. Big Mountain Insulators in Whitefish, MT, has an EPA certified team of professionals who will remove your mold, restore your air quality to safe levels, and prevent regrowth by adding insulation. They’ve been serving Northwest Montana for almost four decades. Learn more on their website and call (406) 862-5446 to schedule an inspection.
