
When you see a lost dog, think before moving toward it. There are several factors to take into consideration to maintain safety for you and the dog. You can also take several steps to help resolve the situation and get them back home—the simplest of which is to find out if the pup has had pet microchipping.

5 Steps to Take If You Find a Lost Dog

1. Assess the Situation

When you first encounter the dog, evaluate whether it’s safe to get near them. If the dog is acting aggressively, don’t put yourself in danger; instead, contact the local police department or animal control. If you decide to approach, be mindful of how you do so. Direct eye contact might be the perfect tactic to close a sale at work, but it’s unwise to interact that way with a strange dog. Before walking toward the dog, turn your body slightly to the side or crouch down to their level to appear less threatening.

2. Fashion a Lead

To help the pup, you must contain them—whether on a leash or in your backyard. If you don’t own a dog and you have no spare leashes, create a slip lead using a belt or a piece of rope. Then, guide the dog into your backyard or another safe area so you can take the next steps toward finding the owner and getting the pooch back home.

3. Check for Tags

Tags on the collar should indicate whether the dog has had pet microchipping and been vaccinated for rabies. They can also tell you the dog’s name and where the owner lives. When pets are microchipped, veterinarians can scan it and connect them to their owners quickly.

4. Check the Neighborhood

pet microchippingSnap a picture of the pup and knock on the doors of the neighborhood where you found the dog. With a little luck, you could stumble upon the pup’s home or a neighbor who recognizes them.

5. Visit Places the Owner Might Look

Take a few trips to local animal shelters and veterinary offices. The owner will likely check these places first. Ask if someone had been looking for a dog of a particular description, and ask a technician to check for pet microchipping.


Keep your dog and cat safe and at home by having them microchipped at Pet Center Ltd. Serving Columbia, MO, and all of Boone County, this veterinary clinic also provides pet wellness exams, preventative care, dental care, and boarding. Visit their website to learn more about their practice and services, and call (573) 445-3000 to schedule an appointment.
