
Regular engine maintenance keeps your car running smoothly, catches problems early, and prevents small issues from snowballing into bigger ones. Part of routine maintenance is making sure your vehicle is ready for the winter ahead. Learn more about the steps you should take before winter hits by reading the tips below.

How To Get Your Car Ready for Winter 

1. Check Your Tires & Brakes

Winter means snow and ice on the roads, and the above elements of your car are crucial for traveling in inclement weather safely. Check your tire pressure and tread, and get them replaced if they’re worn, splitting on the sides, or have been patched. Your brakes should also be inspected and replaced if faulty or worn.

2. Get Engine Maintenance

Get a tuneup and thorough inspection of your car before it gets too cold out. Your battery, lights, heater, and wipers should be tested and made sure they’re in good shape. Your oil and antifreeze need to be checked, topped off, and -- if recommended -- switched to types appropriate for winter. Fuel and cabin filters should also be changed.

3. Perform Repairs Before the Cold Starts

engine maintenanceCold can make engine problems worse, so get any known repair to be done before winter to avoid being stranded. If your car’s check engine light is on or it’s showing any codes, have them fixed as soon as possible. Even if your car’s check engine light isn’t on, problems like squealing sounds while driving, hard starts, and lurching movements or shuddering while driving should be checked out.

4. Stock Your Emergency Kit

Don’t get left in the cold if your car does break down this winter. There should always be an emergency kit in your vehicle, stocked with items to sustain you until help gets there. Stock it with warm winter clothes, a thick blanket, road flares, non-perishable food, bottled water, flashlight and batteries, and a first-aid kit with bandages, disinfectant, coagulation powder, antibiotic ointment, and hydrogen peroxide.

Do you need any of these issues checked out before the middle of winter? Our team at Fort Mitchell Garage in Covington, KY, has over 100 years in business. From inspections to tuneups and repairs, we’ll take care of your vehicle’s needs to make sure it can get through the winter. We’re certified by Assured Performance, and our customer service is unbeatable. See what we can do for your car online and call (859) 431-3326 to book an appointment.
