
Your bathroom sink gets more use than almost any other part of your home. Over time, all this wear can lead to stains and scratches, especially if you have hard water. Follow the helpful tips below to get your bathroom sink shining like new.

How to Make Your Bathroom Porcelain Sparkle

1. Regular Scrubbing

Everything that passes through the sink can cause staining and buildup. This includes toothpaste, soap, and cosmetic and skin-care residue. This buildup hardens and dulls the surface, causing discoloration. As a general rule, scrub your sink after about every 30 uses. Gentle, all-purpose cleaning sprays, nonabrasive cleansers, or a mixture of dish soap and hot water should be sufficient to make the porcelain pristine again.

2. Remove Stains With Lemon

sinkMake a paste with ½ cup powdered sodium borate and the juice of ½ a large lemon. Apply the mixture with a sponge, scrub a bit, then rinse. Rust stains can be tackled with a half of lemon that is covered with salt. Long-standing stains may not vanish entirely, so if your porcelain is brown, it may be time for resurfacing. 

3. Let It Sit

To make white porcelain shine, place a lining of paper towels in the sink and saturate them with household bleach. Let them sit for a half-hour and then throw away, rinsing the sink with cool running water. On colored porcelain sinks, use white vinegar or baking soda on the paper towels instead.

4. Use Vinegar on Lime Buildup

If you have hard water, you know the persistent spots that mar clean fixtures and cause buildup on sinks. Soak a paper towel in white vinegar and place it over the lime spot. After 10-15 minutes, remove the paper towel and buff the surface dry. Be careful not to use vinegar on brass or colored fixtures.


If your efforts to revitalize your sink need a boost, it may be time for resurfacing. Call Porcelain Glaze in Clinton, CT, for expert bathroom resurfacing. Their A+ Better Business Bureau rating and their more than 30 years in business are a testament to their reliable service and great results. Call (860) 669-2576 for an estimate or visit the website to see a full range of services.
