
Since cold air is less capable of carrying moisture than warm air, your home could become dry and uncomfortable during the winter months. Fortunately, an indoor humidifier can prevent dying plants, cracked leather, and scratchy skin. Here are three tips for using this solution alongside your heating system this winter. 

How to Keep Your Humidifier Clean & Safe

1. Monitor Your Humidity Levels 

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends keeping humidity levels between 30% and 50% to improve dryness without causing other issues like mold growth and dust mite accumulation.

To monitor your humidity levels, pick up an inexpensive temperature and hygrometer device so you can track your air moisture levels. That way, in addition to keeping tabs on your humidity levels, you can make sure your heating system is adjusting your indoor air temperature properly. 

2. Replace Water Daily

humidifierIf you’re using a standalone humidifier, fill it with distilled water and replace it daily. Filtered, distilled water helps keep pathogens out of the unit and avoids spreading illness or filling your air with other contaminants. Never add scents, essential oils, or cleaners to the water, since these additions can be dangerous to pets and family members. For instance, essential oils such as cinnamon and tea tree oils are poisonous to dogs. 

3. Keep It Clean

Your humidifier contains a reservoir where it keeps water. Unfortunately, this space can become dirty because of handling or using the wrong water, fostering mold and bacteria growth. Clean the reservoir regularly with a disinfectant agent, such as bleach, then rinse thoroughly to remove residue. 


To find the perfect humidity and comfort balance in your home, ask Anderson Automatic Heating & Cooling about a whole-home humidifier. With more than 90 years of experience, this trusted team can help with everything from repairing heating systems to improving your indoor air quality for a healthier, happier home. To find out more about their heating system services, visit their website or give their office a call at (513) 574-0005.
