
Your new Boss® snowplow is an efficient tool for removing ice buildup from your driveway, street, and other large outdoor surfaces. Plowing using a vehicle saves time and prevents falls. If you have never worked with this type of device before, use the answers to these common questions to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions About Using a Snowplow

When should I plow?

Schedule plowing during mild storms whenever possible. Doing so prevents new snow from sticking and freezing, which results in dangerous sheets of ice that cause vehicles to slide.

You can also plow immediately after storms to remove snow before it starts to harden. 

How do I prepare?

snowplowMark your driveway with stakes before plowing to avoid damaging your lawn or a neighbor’s property. Decide where you’re going to dump the snow, such as in an inconspicuous part of your yard. You should make small mounds to hasten the melting process.

Also check for catch basins and water drains before you start to clear an area, since these should stay free of snow. You can add a salt spreader to your plow to melt any snow remnants.

How can I protect my car’s transmission?

Get the fluid changed before you plow to keep the part lubricated, which prevents friction and heat damage.

When you’re ready, avoid overtaxing your transmission by plowing forward as much as possible and backing into cleared spaces only. Stop the vehicle completely before switching to reverse, and allow the transmission to engage prior to hitting the gas pedal. Move slowly so your tires grip the road instead of spinning and overheating your transmission.

How do I use a V-plow in deep snow?

Raise your Boss snowplow several inches from the ground to remove the top layers of snow. Use around ¾ of the blade for each four inches of powder and ½ of the blade for six or more inches of snow.

Use the V position first so the pointed side cuts through compacted, icy snow easily. Once your first pass is complete, switch to the “angle” or “scoop” functions to widen your scope and remove the rest of the snow. 


Boss snowplows are among the high-quality products available at Currier’s Certified Welding, the metal fabrication company serving Kalispell, MT, and the rest of the Flathead Valley. The largest authorized dealer of Boss® snowplows in Northwest Montana, this company has all the tools you need to fight the elements. Call (406) 752-­2366 today to ask about their inventory or learn more about their products and services online.
