
Asbestos is a mineral that naturally forms long, thin-fibers. It used to be used in all kinds of building materials and insulation because it's incredibly fire-resistant. However, researchers later discovered that these building materials shed fibers that are easy to inhale and that long-term exposure can have severe health consequences. Now, asbestos removal is frequently necessary in older buildings to prevent the following problems.

What Does Asbestos Insulation Do to the Human Body?

1. Lung Scarring

The fibers of asbestos are thin and stiff enough that they can work their way into the sensitive tissue inside the lungs. Repeatedly healing thousands of tiny punctures can leave the membrane on the interior of the lungs thick with scar tissue, making it less efficient at transferring oxygen. This condition is called pleural thickening.

2. Inflammation

InsulationAnother common reaction to asbestos insulation exposure is that the lung tissue swells. Asbestosis makes it difficult to breathe and can lead to permanent lung damage. You may also experience pleural effusion, accumulation of liquid around the lung area inside the chest cavity, which can squeeze the lungs and make breathing challenging.

3. Cancer

Asbestos is a proven carcinogen. It's particularly associated with a specific kind of cancer called mesothelioma, which affects the lungs, heart, or abdomen. A mesothelioma diagnosis comes with an average life expectancy of about 12 months. Early detection and aggressive treatment only increase that span to about five years, and only in some cases.


If you suspect your home insulation or flooring may contain asbestos, call Priority 1 Construction Service in Cincinnati, OH, for safe, efficient removal. Serving Hamilton County for over 20 years, they use state-of-the-art techniques both for removing hazardous materials and installing safe, effective insulation. Call (513) 922-0203 today for an estimate on your project, or learn more about their services on their website.
