
Often caused by cutting the edges of your toenail too short or wearing tight socks or shoes, ingrown toenails can be painful. However, a few activities may worsen the situation or prevent it from healing. To care for the foot without causing more problems, review these simple guidelines.


Soak your foot. 

To promote healing, soak your foot three times a day.

Rest it in a small basin of warm water mixed with mild soap for 20 minutes to soften the nail. Soaking it in apple cider vinegar once a day could speed up healing, too, since the liquid has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  

Use topical and oral medicines. 

Fight infection and encourage healing by applying antibiotic ointments to the ingrown toenail. For pain relief, take some acetaminophen. If there’s also swelling, try ibuprofen.

You could also use toe protectors to keep any creams from rubbing off. 


Wear tight or wet footwear. 

ingrown toenailYour socks, pantyhose, and shoes should be loose and spacious enough to give your toe some room. Tight fits could push the nail further into the skin. Wear footwear that is sized up and avoid heels.

To prevent irritation and infection, always dry the affected foot after soaking it or taking baths. 

Trim the edges. 

You may worsen the issue if you cut the edges of your toenails. Trimming the affected area makes the nail more likely to grow further into your skin. Instead, cut a straight line across your nail to trim it evenly. 

To have your ingrown toenail treated by a professional, go to Advanced Foot Care Center of Rochester in Fairport, NY. With more than 33 years of experience, Dr. DiPrima is skilled at resolving any foot-related problem, including bunions and warts. The clinic also offers custom orthotics to provide pain relief. Make an appointment by calling (585) 249-0020 or visit them online to learn more about the conditions they treat.
