
Safety and comfort are two essential concepts for parents who might have difficulty mastering the first steps of taking care of a child. Unfortunately, many don’t know about the importance of oral hygiene, so their kids might be at a higher risk for tooth decay. Here’s what you should know about taking care of your baby’s teeth and why it’s so important.

When to Schedule the First Dental Exam

It’s recommended that children undergo their first exam at the eruption of their first tooth or no later than their first birthday. From here, children should visit their dentist twice a year to ensure their oral hygiene remains good. While primary teeth are lost to make way for the adult set, cavities in baby teeth disrupt dental development, while also setting a poor precedent for your child. 

The Purpose of Dental Checkups

oral hygieneDental checkups help establish good habits for life, leading to healthy teeth and gums as an adult. They also allow parents to ask questions about dental care, including queries about how diet impacts a person’s smile and how they can help with their children’s dental care. The dentist will also perform X-rays on your child to make sure there are no hidden cavities. Cavities might not be painful when they first develop, which is the best time to treat them. 

Why Teeth Cleaning Is So Important

Once your child’s first teeth have erupted, at-home brushing and flossing twice a day are crucial—with a pea-sized drop of children’s toothpaste. However, it’s equally important to have your child’s teeth cleaned by a dental professional. Dentists have special tools that can access hard-to-reach areas of the mouth to remove plaque and prevent cavities. 


As a beloved family dentist in Anchorage, Dr. Chris Coplin and the rest of the team at Alaska Dentistry for Kids can help your child develop healthy dental habits that last a lifetime. Treating infants to teens, they’ll instill the importance of oral hygiene in your kids while also providing treatments for cavities and gum disease. They also offer emergency appointments for kids with urgent dental care needs. New patients are encouraged to visit their website to prepare for their first appointment. Parents can also call (907) 274-2525 to schedule an appointment today. 
