
An oil heating system provides an efficient and cost-effective way to keep your home warm. With a properly installed home heating system and regular heating oil delivery, you'll be comfortable year-round. Here's what you need to know when deciding whether to add an oil heating system to your home, or if you’re moving into a house that already has one.

An Introduction to Oil Heating Systems

What makes oil a good choice for home heating?

Heating oil is one of the safest fuels available. It won't ignite in liquid form; it has to be vaporized before it'll burn. A gallon of oil produces 138,000 BTU of energy, and efficient modern heating systems capture nearly all of that to warm your home.

What are the types of oil heating systems?

oil heating systemThere are two main kinds of oil heating systems: furnaces and boilers. Furnaces warm the air directly by burning oil. Modern systems use a fan to draw air through the system and include a second condensation chamber for greater efficiency. Boilers use water to transfer heat through the home. The burning oil heats the water, which is then piped into various rooms.

What maintenance does my oil heating system need?

Your furnace filter will need to be changed every one to three months to protect both the air quality and the efficiency of the system. You should also schedule a yearly professional inspection to make sure the system is running efficiently, clean the burners and other parts, and check for the signs of any developing problems. These yearly inspections can add years to the life of a furnace and save you money by minimizing the need for repairs or replacements.

What are some signs of a problem with my heating system?

If your furnace doesn't turn on or produces little or no heat, there could be a problem with the airflow or the fuel line. Turning on and off frequently, not turning on when needed, or running too hot can indicate a thermostat malfunction or incorrect calibration. If the furnace produces black smoke, it's not burning the fuel completely, meaning it's using more fuel to generate the same heating power. A qualified technician can help with any of these issues.



If you need help with your oil heating system or want to schedule heating oil delivery, choose Andersen Oil Company. Based in Ledyard, CT, they offer 24-hour service to all of southeast Connecticut, providing both heating systems and the oil to run them, as well as repairs and inspections. To schedule a visit, call (860) 464-7628, or learn more about their services online.
