
Spending your time efficiently is no easy task, especially if you’re in high school. Attending a top-rated private school gives you the chance to start practicing time management now so you can build good habits that will help you through the rest of your life. Try these three time-saving tips to be more productive in less time.

How to Manage Your Time Effectively

1. Make a To-Do List

Make a to-do list before you go to bed. Start with the most challenging item at the top, and place the easiest at the bottom. Finishing the hardest task of your day first will give you more motivation to finish the rest of the list, and it’ll also help you avoid stressing out over that task for the rest of the day.

An alternative solution is to start your list with tasks that are due soonest. If you don’t finish an item on the list, put it on the next day’s list.

2. Block Schedule your Time

top-rated private schoolsTime blocking means planning every single part of your day, including meals, work, free-time, and exercise. Scheduling your time in blocks will help you accomplish more without spending too much time on any individual task. Time blocking makes it easier for you to see where you start to procrastinate, when you need more time doing a task, and whether you’re using your overall time effectively. 

3. Don’t Procrastinate Projects

Procrastination is the enemy of progress. Top-rated private schools will always discourage this practice. Although procrastination feels excellent in the short term, it will destroy productivity, set up bad habits, and could potentially lead to missed assignments and a poor grade. Make high school less stressful by spacing out work in manageable chunks instead of doing an entire assignment or studying for a test at the last minute. 


If you’re interested in one of the most top-rated private schools in the country, attending Saint Joseph High School, an all-boys Catholic high school will give you the tools needed to succeed. Founded in 1963, this school will prepare you for college in an inclusive environment located in the Union, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Somerset, Essex and Monmouth Counties. Saint Joseph seeks to teach students in a traditional curriculum while integrating the values of the Catholic Church. Get in touch with this top-rated private school Monday to Friday at (732) 549-7600, or visit them online to learn more about their academic offerings.
