
Gingivitis is a prevalent form of gum disease, affecting about half of the adults in the U.S. Although it is a mild infection, seeing your dentist for treatment is essential to protecting your teeth and gums and staying healthy. If you have or suspect you have gingivitis, here are a few facts to know. 

4 Common Questions About Gum Disease

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. It’s an inflammatory response to bacterial plaque collecting in between the teeth and gums.  The inflammation and bacterial infection damages the soft tissue of the gums where they attach to the teeth. Left untreated, these small pockets of periodontal disease will expand, ultimately destroying the gum tissue and leading to tooth loss.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

One of the most common symptoms of gingivitis is bleeding gums when you brush and floss. However, it often takes time to develop, and you may have it before the most obvious symptoms show up. In addition to bleeding gums, symptoms include redness and swelling in the gums, and as the infection progresses, receding gums and pain or tenderness. 

What causes gingivitis? 

dentistGingivitis is typically caused by poor oral hygiene. During the day, the bacteria in your mouth feed on carbohydrates from the food you eat, creating plaque. Plaque is a colorless, sticky substance that can harden into tartar. When tartar builds up on your teeth, it irritates your gums causing inflammation. The inflammation causes the red, swollen, and bleeding gums associated with gingivitis.  Brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly, though, prevents tartar from building up, decreasing your chance of gingivitis. 

How is gingivitis treated? 

If you don’t treat gingivitis, it can lead to severe complications. However, treatment is simple and involves a thorough professional cleaning to remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth, followed by ongoing oral hygiene. Sometimes, problems with your tooth alignment or dental restorations, such as bridges or implants, can contribute to gingivitis. If that’s the case, your dentist will discuss options for correcting those problems to prevent further gum disease.


The best way to avoid gingivitis is proper dental care, and that begins with regular visits to the dentist. If you’re looking for a dentist, call the experts at Keen Dental Care. Based in Columbia, MO, these professionals provide personalized, custom treatment plans for all patients, including teeth cleanings, fillings, and cosmetic procedures such as invisible braces, veneers, and crowns. To learn more about their full range of services, visit them online. Call (573) 875-5336 to schedule an appointment.
