
Dental care is especially important during the holiday season when schedules are already packed to the brim. Between fun holiday parties with friends and shopping trips, you will not want to be bothered by tooth pain. Fortunately, by focusing on your oral health, you can prevent dental emergencies and tooth decay. Here are a few holiday dental care tips to protect your smile throughout the season.

How to Care for Your Teeth During the Holidays

1. Do Not Use Your Teeth as Tools

If you are faced with opening a package or bottle, resist the urge to use your teeth to do the job. Dental fractures can occur if too much pressure is placed on the teeth. To prevent this issue, carry a small pair of scissors or pocket knife with you to make opening boxes and packages easy. When you have the proper tools, opening mail or removing packing tape becomes a breeze, and you will not have to use your teeth.

2. Avoid Harmful Snacks

Stay away from hard candies, popcorn kernels, and toasted nuts because you may crack a tooth when biting on them. Additionally, caramels and candy canes will cause food particles and sugars to stick to your teeth, increasing your chances of developing cavities.

dental careInstead, reach for healthier snacks, like sliced apples or cheese from a charcuterie platter. Crunchy treats, like apples, carrot sticks, and celery, are fibrous enough to scrub food particles away as you chew. Hard cheese contains proteins and enzymes that will neutralize mouth bacteria.

3. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Sugar causes cavities, and alcohol dries your mouth, so be wary of eggnog and sweet holiday cocktails. If your mouth is dry, the saliva cannot rinse away leftover food particles or neutralize bacterial acids. Without this natural cleansing, your mouth will become an ideal environment for decay to form. Consume alcohol sparingly during the holidays, and drink plenty of water during and between meals.


If you want more holiday oral hygiene tips, contact the knowledgeable team at Dentaworks Hawaii in Honolulu. For over 30 years, Dr. Douglas Chang, DDS, and his team have helped Oahu residents achieve beautiful and healthy smiles. These dental care professionals use state-of-the-art technology to provide their patients with comprehensive exams, X-rays, and emergency treatments. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 528-1200 to schedule an appointment.
